
BioTools is Pleased to Announce the Launch of MANTIS™ VCD Accessory @ ICAVS-9!


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Available for Thermo FT-IR model is50 and other models

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Read about VCD in USP:

Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD), an important analytical method for determining the absolute configuration (AC) and purity of chiral molecules, has been published as a new “standard method” in the U. S. Pharmacopeia (USP 39-NF34, Chapters 782 and 1782). The chapters became official on December 1st, 2016.

The chapters were written by a consortium of scientists from key pharmaceutical companies and the two co-founders of BioTools, VCD experts Dr. Rina K. Dukor and Prof. Laurence A. Nafie. Chapter <782> details aspects of VCD usages including qualification of VCD spectrometers, sample measurements, validation, and verification of measured spectra. Chapter <1782> provides specific examples of instrumentation, finer points of qualitative and quantitative analysis, comparisons between measured and calculated spectra, determination of enantiomeric excess (%EE), and conconcurrent use of AC and %EE.

BioTools USP Press Release 

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at Chirality 2017 ISCD-29 in Tokyo, Japan (July 9-12)  

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